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Collector Vehicle Insurance

If you own an antique, collector vehicle insurance is a great way to safeguard your investment. Most people choose to keep their collector vehicle in storage, but there are some that like to drive theirs. If you use your collector vehicle as a daily driver, or if you do more with it than trailer it to the occasional auto show, you should definitely buy collector vehicle insurance.

There is a big difference between collector vehicle insurance policies and regular auto policies. Some benefits:

  • Agreed Value Coverage- in case of a total loss, you get the full amount of insured value on your collector vehicle policy.
  • No Deductible- In most states, you pay nothing if you have a claim.
  • Restoration Coverage- Protect your collector vehicle with increased value during the active project.

Owning a collector vehicle can be a lot of work, but getting the insurance you need doesn't have to be. Call 800-255-6792 today to get a no obligation quote.