Don’t be Sorry after Flooding - be protected
Anywhere it rains, it can flood. A flood is a general and temporary condition where two or more acres of normally dry land or two or more adjacent properties are inundated by water or mudflow. Many conditions can result in a flood: hurricanes, overtopped levees, outdated or clogged drainage systems and rapid accumulation of rainfall.
Just because you haven't experienced a flood in the past, doesn't mean you won't in the future. Flood risk isn't just based on history, it's also based on a number of factors: rainfall, river-flow and tidal-surge data, topography, flood-control measures, and changes due to building and development.
When a flood hits your home, don't be sad and sorry - be the one ready to rebuild. Only a flood insurance policy can cover your home or business for flood losses.
Experts say now is the time to prepare. Consider these four points before flooding strikes:
- NOAA reports a 95% chance of El Nino flooding out west and across the south - don't gamble - buy your flood policy.
- Don't be fooled by the line on the map - 25% of properties in the low to moderate risk flood zone will suffer a flood.
- Levees and dams are NOT built for extreme weather - they age, fail, and wipe out whole neighborhoods - a flood policy is your only protection.
- Don't count on disaster assistance - you can only rely on the flood policy to rebuild.
Don't be desperate when a flood hits home. Call 800-248-3490 to speak with an AFI flood insurance specialist today.