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Are you one of the 62% of households in the U.S. who has a pet?

As a member, you know Armed Forces Insurance as the company that specializes in home and property insurance. Now, we have partnered with a trusted national carrier to provide Pet Health Insurance for your pets.

Pets are unpredictable. While it's hard to anticipate accidents or illness, you can be prepared for them. From routine office visits to significant medical incidents, pet health insurance provides protection for your dog or cat when he or she needs it most. And there are many coverage options available to best fit your needs.

Limit your out-of-pocket expenses for your pet with a no-obligation quote today. Your call will be answered by a knowledgeable, licensed AFI agent and it only takes a few minutes. Don't wait. Call us at 800-266-6878 to request a quote or visit us online at