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Newsletter - Article

3rd Quarter 2010

Protect Your Identity While Traveling

Traveling for business or pleasure is supposed to be a fun and exciting time. Unfortunately, for people whose passport, visa, driver's license, airline tickets or credit cards are stolen or lost, it can also be a nightmare.

A trip can be reduced to a series of frantic phone calls and visits to police stations, consulates, banks, credit bureaus and government agencies as the traveler tries desperately to retrieve what's missing, while fighting language and cultural barriers. Every minute of delay makes the potential for damage that much worse, especially if the information gets into the hands of an identity thief.

Fortunately, Armed Forces Insurance's Identity Services come with fraud specialist services from Identity Theft 911 to help our members regain control of their identity and avoid potential fraud.

Don't be left out in the cold when you're out of town
To be prepared for the unexpected, all it takes is a little advance planning before you leave. With complimentary travel assistance provided through Armed Forces Insurance's Identity Services, members are good to go, wherever they go.

Before you leave the country, simply call AFI at 800.495.8234 to be connected with an Identity Theft 911 fraud specialist. You'll be provided with the international toll-free country code and toll-free access telephone number to reach Identity Theft 911 from each country you're visiting. Then, document replacement assistance is as near as a phone from practically anywhere in the world.

Staying safe from identity theft when away from home
If our members take special care and follow certain guidelines, they can feel more secure when traveling...and after.

  • Before leaving, scan important documents and store them in your email account. This allows easy access to passport, passport photos, visa, airline tickets, itinerary and the like from any place with secure email access. 

  • Put mail on "postal hold" and stop newspapers while you're gone to make your home look lived in during long absences. Don't forget to have lawn care and snow removal taken care of and to use light timers. 

  • Lock up valuables in the hotel's room safe, and be sure to include identification, laptop computer, credit cards and cash.

  • Carry all your identity documents safely in a travel pouch that fits around your neck or your waist (and inside of your clothing).

  • Carry the U.S. Embassy or Consulate's phone number and address with you at all times.

  • Cool it on social networking sites, like Facebook and MySpace. Never post your "out of the country" status or your photos while on vacation. That's an open invitation to potential thieves.

  • Try to use credit cards instead of checks or debit cards on the road. It's easier to recover losses. Keep your eye on the card to avoid "cloning" and watch for use of card "skimmers." 

  • Carefully monitor your accounts while you're away and when you return home-watching for any charges you didn't make or unauthorized use of your bank or checking account.

Want to access fraud specialist services or find out more?
For proactive inquiries or assistance with resolving identity theft, call AFI at 800.495.8234 to be connected with a dedicated fraud specialist at Identity Theft 911. And, for more information on AFI's Identity Services, please click here.