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Some mortgages require homeowners to have flood insurance coverage, which is not typically included in a regular homeownerpolicy. However, not all mortgages require this coverage, leaving many wondering if they really need the coverage, and how to justify the extra expense.


  1. Your home can flood, even if it is not in a high-risk flood zone. In fact, according to FEMA, more than 20% of flood claims come from outside that zone. Any area that experiences rainfall, can experience flood conditions.
  2. Floods cause millions of dollars in damage each year and are our nation's most common and costly natural disaster.
  3. Just one inch of water in your home can cost more than $25,000 in damages. The average claim for flood damage is $39,000, according to the National Flood Insurance Program.
  4. Flooding can be caused by things many homeowners never think of like snowmelt, heavy storms, dams or levees breaking and new construction or developments in an area changing the flow of water above and below ground.

Flood insurance is affordable and offers peace of mind for homeowners. AFI's licensed agents can work with you to determine the proper flood coverage to protect you and your home. For more information,call an AFI agent toll-free at 800-495-8232 or get a quote online.