Home evacuation information
Important information to know if you are required to evacuate your home.
Spring and summer often find Mother Nature reacting violently -- tornadoes, hail, straight-line winds, hurricanes and fires. Our utmost concern for you in times like this is for your personal safety. Do not endanger your lives or well-being by trying to preserve your property.
What's most important at a time like this? Remember the 4 Ps -- People, Pets, Photos and Papers. Virtually everything else can be replaced. You may wish to discuss an evacuation plan with your household members, collect all photographs in a single location (or archive them electronically and place the CD in a safe place), and store all valuable papers (including insurance information) in a safe place, for example, a safe deposit box. Some of you may wish to record an inventory of your personal property with a video or with still pictures.
We hope few of you actually need to put these safeguards to the test. But we know you will find greater peace of mind if you're prepared for a catastrophe in advance.
If you do need to contact AFI to file a claim call 800-255-0187, or log in to your account and file a claim online.